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Vocational rehabilitation in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2022-10-13Updated:2022-10-13
Similar words: rehabilitationrehabilitation centerrehabilitation programoperational reliabilityrehabilitativevocational educationrehabilitatevocationalMeaning: n. providing training in a specific trade with the aim of gaining employment. 
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1. The bill provided traineeships in vocational rehabilitation.
2. Vocational rehabilitation is a focus of concern among psychiatric rehabilitation researchers in western countries.
3. Every state has a State Vocational Rehabilitation agency with local district offices.
4. The community vocational rehabilitation of mental disorder is main stream in psychiatric medicine in twentieth century.
5. Unique vocational rehabilitation model started in 1991 and it contributed to discharge people with chronic mental illness into the community and assist independent living of them with their jobs.
6. In the evolving vocational rehabilitation and assistive device services, the increase of need of OT was also foreseen.
7. The state and local vocational rehabilitation program is a mandatory One-Stop employment service partner.
8. Instruction is varied including: art therapy. physical therapy studies. vocational rehabilitation. as well as animal-assisted therapy and many others.
9. The basic function of industrial injury insurance includes industrial injury prevention, industrial injury compensation and vocational rehabilitation.
10. Rob and his parents entered into a relationship with Vocational Rehabilitation and the local supported employment agency in order to help Rob find a job.
11. We provide the results of this study to Taipei country government and hope them to plan better services for individuals with mental illness in the future vocational rehabilitation programs.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. The aim of this research was to collect information which will enable us to better understand the job weariness of the vocational rehabilitation specialists in Taipei County.
13. Jake was then assigned to an employment specialist/job coach from the state vocational rehabilitation office's supported employment program.
14. Objective:To understand the situations of various groups of injured workers reemployment and epidemiology to further provide evidences for prevention and vocational rehabilitation.
15. In this article, recent advances in research and practice of vocational rehabilitation are reviewed which include the Individual Pla.
16. The researchers found that: regardless physicians often knew little about vocational rehabilitation , most of them considered it as important.
More similar words: rehabilitationrehabilitation centerrehabilitation programoperational reliabilityrehabilitativevocational educationrehabilitatevocationalavocationalvocationallyproportional representationinternational relationslimitation of liabilityvocational schoolvocational programdebilitationvocational guidancevocational trainingfunctional relationshiphabitationinhabitationcohabitationgravitational attractiongravitational interactionnational rifle associationoccupational mobilityon allocationpersonal relationinternational communicationvocation
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